Methodbased offers solutions with cloud computing and engaging websites strategies and implementation.
Cloud Computing
Large companies buy a server and use a central location to store their information. It is relatively expensive and requires a full-time system administrator. Now with cloud computing you can get all the advantages of having your own network. It would be constantly synced with real-time data for the small business.
You know the annoying situation when you have to update your contacts on Facebook, email and your phone? Your employees are experiencing that same frustration with office tasks and customer relationship software. This can be resolved with a central database.
With cloud computing you don’t have to worry about disk space, about installing and setting up the right software, about organizing data and so on. All of this is done in the cloud for you. You just get to consume the final result. Choose cloud vendors that support exporting and importing data into different cloud structures to prevent vendor lock-in.
Website experience:
Highland Metals, National Scouting Report, EnvisionTEC, Borchardt Brothers, Blissfield Advance, Freer Construction, Dr. Mallow
The technical strategy developed for your business will be based on insights derived from a consultation. The strategy will be based on commercial realities: does it save money; does it make money; does it solve a problem; does it prevent a problem. Areas of discovery are online presence, search engine optimization, website features, website design, customer relationship software, accounting software, company email’s and data backup.
Discovery – Planning – Interface Design- Integration – Testing – Launch/Maintain
Prioritize an organized technical strategy for the future